With these larger caseloads, the cost per youth is about $2,600.
The problem, officials for the caseworkers union said, was that the workers who received the transferred cases were already carrying large caseloads of their own.
Because of the court's large caseload, he was reappointed to serve another year.
Social workers have large caseloads with no time to visit clients.
Proximity to cities with large caseloads is a factor.
New York City is struggling to cope with the largest caseload of homeless families in its history.
She said workers were inadequately trained and social workers' caseloads too large.
Lawyers in bufetes typically have large caseloads and work under difficult conditions.
Jack's curiosity invariably caused him to end up with the largest caseload.
It has over 35 operating rooms one of the largest surgical caseloads in the United States.