A large cockroach emerged from under a rock and paused watchfully, its antennae testing the air.
She shuddered as a large black cockroach went skittering up the wall.
Opening his eyes, prepared for any hostile invasion from the unknown, he fell to watching a large cockroach crawling down the wall.
I think a large cockroach could carry him-is it a him?
He looked as if he had just swallowed that large and particularly nasty cockroach.
A large cockroach was climbing down a gold-worked drape, another toward the couch.
Particular findings are specimens of dragonflies, Gomphites and a large cockroach.
The heavy silk of the bed hangings moved gently and he found himself staring straight at a large cockroach.
One of the larger cockroaches, Drymaplaneta semivitta is about 20-45mm longand 12-15mm wide.
A large cockroach emerged from under the prosecution's table, creating a minor disruption.