The larger condominiums will sell for $65,000 and the smaller ones for $50,000, Ms. Kaplan said.
The buyers of these large condominiums - developers say those are the majority of their new apartments now - may come from a foreign country.
Wantagh's two largest condominiums are the 185-unit Willow Wood and the 84-unit Stanford Court.
Two larger condominiums of 95 and 96 units in Bronxville were completed and sold out by the developers over the last two years.
New construction in the area has seen the demolition of several motels to make room for larger condominiums.
The brick buildings could reopen as an age-restricted community, with large and luxurious condominiums for those age 55 or older, as soon as next year.
He said he envisioned a campus of large condominiums at Seaside, most 2,000 square feet or larger.
A large condominium, The Fountainhead, is on the east side.
A number of large condominiums and lofts have been constructed in the area.
But having a large new condominium will make the adjustment a lot easier, she said.