In nevertheless remains the second largest urban conglomeration in western Slovenia, after Koper.
One of the largest conglomerations of fire-power ever assembled, you told me, split into three divisions.
With its neighbouring towns Eu and Le Tréport so close by, it appears as one large conglomeration.
It has long since been paved over by one of the world's largest conglomerations of shopping centers.
Tokyo is the largest urban conglomeration in the world.
The Habsburg and Ottoman states were both large multi-ethnic conglomerations sustained by conquest.
Many smaller unions survived only by merging into larger conglomerations.
Inside was growing the largest and strangest conglomeration of musical instrument supplies and parts that has perhaps ever existed in one place.
In this sense, the work of the Eurocities network can mean a very interesting global approach to urban policies as regards large European conglomerations.
It has the largest urban conglomeration of the department.