He observed the variations of a compass needle and found that larger deflections correlated with stronger auroral activity.
Re-definition of the situation may follow an event that causes large deflections which cannot be resolved by reinterpreting the behavior.
In a plasma a Coulomb collision rarely results in a large deflection.
This avoids the large deflection to the orbit of a charged particle moving through a magnetic field and allows spin-dependent effects to dominate.
The large deflections and stiffness changes usually associated with plastic bending can significantly change the internal load distribution, particularly in statically indeterminate beams.
Given these relatively large deflections, cable barrier systems are not usually considered appropriate to shield fixed objects closer than 8 ft offset of the traveled way.
For large deflections one can have multiple images and a non-invertible mapping: this is called strong lensing.
Föppl-von Kármán equations (large deflection of elastic plates)
The programs must allow for large deflections.
There are also proposals to use aerodynamic lift at the point of closest approach (an aerogravity assist), to achieve a larger deflection and hence more energy gain.