Extensive cross-slip due to large deformation also causes some grain rotation.
Five or more slip systems must be active for large deformations to occur because of the absence of cross-slip.
However, when large elastic deformations and rotations are expected, the initial stress state has to be incorporated directly into the sandwich theory.
For large deformations extrinsic method has to be followed.
The elastic properties allow large deformations of the electrically charged voids.
Not only was the activation energy for these materials much lower, but they could also undergo much larger deformations.
Advantage of this methodology is possibility to model large deformations, rigid body movements, coupling or failure states between rock blocks.
For the large deformations we should include some geometrical non-linearity.
This was a formidable challenge, since almost every aspect of the infinitesimal theory had to be changed in order to accommodate large deformations.
They usually involve large deformations and high velocities.