Kmart is not the only large discounter looking for bargain spaces and good locations.
When asked whether the new system might hurt smaller stores and drive people to large discounters, however, Mr. Olender said that he had not heard this concern.
Although consumers and the county's budget director welcomed the large discounters, some residents and small-business owners said there was a negative side to all of the growth.
Another television advertising effort breaking Wednesday is coming from K Mart, the country's largest discounter.
But its stores are perennial also-rans to Wal-Mart, the nation's largest discounter, and losing market share to Target.
By the time Mr. Walton died 10 years ago, Wal-Mart was the largest discounter.
The successor to Saks-34th Street was E. J. Korvette's, then the nation's largest discounter.
The new store would be one of a wave of large discounters now moving into the city.
Added to those problems were significant changes in consumer buying patterns, including new competition from large discounters such as Walmart and Costco that impacted sales.
The firm raised its commissions after the crash and remains the most expensive of the large discounters, with Fidelity close behind.