Later renovations saw the addition of bathrooms, and removal of a large central dormer.
The shake roof is interrupted by large dormers, three chimneys, and a widow's walk.
It has a cross-gabled roof with a gambrel front and large dormers on the sides.
Above it is a second-story loft door set in a larger gabled dormer.
It was heavily remodeled sometime in the 1890s, with the large dormer on the north-facing roof being the largest addition.
Due to the enclosed nature of the site most light enters the chapel through a large dormer window above the front door.
This is a single-story rectangular structure with a central entrance and a large dormer above it.
It has two large gable dormers on the front roof slope.
The inn has a central cross-axial stack, with a 16th-century 2-bay extension and 2 large gable dormers on the east side.
Rooms on the first floor look like a large dormer in the roof, which makes the house unique.