Eventually this knowledge was determinant to have allowed him to build the largest electronics repair business in south Texas in 1940s.
In the early 70's, it divided Japan's six largest industrial electronics companies into three teams to design different-sized computers.
It is the largest Europe-based electronics and electrical engineering company.
It is one of the largest electronics companies in the world and employs around 122,000 people across more than 60 countries.
As table 3.1 indicates, over half of the world's largest electronics and communications companies are American.
Europe had only two large general electronics companies - Siemens and Philips (see table 3.2).
At the same time the largest American electronics companies also exhibited increased competitive energy in anticipation of a tariff-free western Europe.
Besides the usual large electronics retailers such as Joshin, Sofmap, etc.
Venture Manufacturing is one of the largest electronics manufacturing companies in the world.
At the Wiz, a large electronics store on Third Avenue, a wall of television screens was showing an action movie.