For a given stabilization level, larger emissions reductions in the near term allow for less stringent emissions reductions later on.
The largest emissions reductions to date have come from the phase out of coal-fired power generation by Ontario Power Generation.
The largest emissions of mercury to the global atmosphere occur from combustion of fossil fuels; mainly coal in utility, industrial, and residential boilers.
In general, countries with larger cumulative emissions are wealthier countries with more developed infrastructures, and the per-capita approaches can therefore impede developmental justice.
Pellets made from agricultural residues are usually worse than wood pellets, producing much larger emissions of dioxins and chlorophenols.
Instead, the city studied larger emissions.
The results showed that multiple sources of toxic air pollution, chemical mixtures and exposure to large short-term emissions should cause concern about noncancer health risks.
The US has particular responsibility, as the country has by far the largest emissions.
Yes India and Brazil have large absolute emissions but this is more a function of their large population than anything else.
They are potentially also threatened by large emissions of carbon dioxide from the lake's bottom (compare Lake Nyos).