At the same time, Pennsylvania Station was announced, and the Sixth Avenue spine around 34th was suddenly the new center for the large emporiums.
Today, several of the world's top fashion houses have their headquarters, major offices or large emporia in the street.
At the start of the 20th century large multi-level emporiums (department stores) began to spring up in the Prahran section of the street.
According to Jim Honermann, owner of Barber Harbor, a large emporium on the 41st Street shopping strip, "Everything is going pretty fast and furious here."
The city was a large emporium for all the traffic between the coast of the Maeotian marshes and the countries on the southern side of the Caucasus.
After a long and interesting tour, I found a large emporium in Patchogue called Vantasia.
The large emporium is owned by Gilbert Stork, who said, "I am passionate about hammocks like a couturier is about clothes."
This large emporium has a good range of handicrafts, carpets and jewellery.
I Map You never know what you'll find between the piles of old furniture stacked along the walls of this large, garagelike emporium of tantalizing junk.
This cave was like the world's largest emporium of antique clothing!