This would be a larger excursion than the last one.
One of the largest excursions made by the school, a total of 90 people, including teachers and parents, took part in the trip across the Pacific.
In this case, there is a large positive excursion followed by a much longer, but weaker, negative excursion (an ultrasonic "wake").
First, the largest excursions of the eyes were only around 10 degrees.
The latter would require large up-and-down excursions and would encourage cartridge skipping during loud passages.
Without this innovation, the largest excursion of the Botafumeiro would be about 1.5 meters, the length of the rope pulled by the tiraboleiros.
Such materials have very high strength/weight ratios (paper being even higher than metals) and tend to be relatively immune from flexing during large excursions.
One of the railway's larger excursions, trains traveled from Eustis to Downtown Orlando.
In addition, many have limited maximum excursions, requiring special enclosures which do not require large excursions at low frequencies for reasonable low end output.
Note that, because of mechanical issues, the motion of a driver cone becomes non-linear with large excursions, especially those in excess of this parameter.