A few minutes past midnight on the morning of 7 August, she launched four torpedoes at a large freighter, but all missed.
They live in the unmonitored areas of the larger freighters.
On 11 April, she attacked a large freighter with two torpedoes.
One of these errands took him to a large freighter with a packet, requested by the captain.
Room for two large freighters was created, both in terms of length and draught.
A large freighter was anchored in the small bay.
On the night of 17 May, the submarine contacted a large freighter and two escorts.
He did see three large freighters with the rakish lines the Algarvians so loved.
On 10 June, she detected a large freighter and a small tanker sailing through the fog.
Her torpedoes hit a large freighter which sagged in the middle and started to settle.