The most common type has very large kernels and is not sweet.
They were red and black, small, pointed at the ends-not the large flat kernels, yellow or white, that he had expected to see.
The large kernels were from a highly developed, perhaps even artificially hybridized, variety of corn.
Both cultivars bear fruits with a single large kernel, rather than the usual two to four smaller kernels.
Mongongo, very good Centaine bit into it and exclaimed as her tooth struck painfully on the large kernel in its centre.
The wizard motioned her to stand down, then brought his hand out of his sleeve and displayed a large black kernel.
In this case, a relatively large kernel with sophisticated capabilities is adapted to suit an embedded environment.
Any large, oily kernels found within a shell and used in food are commonly called nuts.
A key concept to almost all microkernels is breaking down a single large kernel into a set of communicating servers.
Say there's a grain of truth in what you say, just a grain, even a large kernel, how is it possible?