What if I was part of a large layoff or plant closure?
Further large layoffs are expected in the state's troubled high technology companies in January.
Job growth was initially muted by large layoffs among defense related industries.
Some in Congress fear that an employer mandate will drive up the costs of hiring workers and lead to large layoffs.
Other industries with large Hispanic work forces have not seen large layoffs.
The company denies reports of large layoffs, but others insist that the dimissals are growing.
This week, Apple is expected to announce cuts of 2,000 employees, or about 13 percent, the fourth and largest layoff in its history.
That was the case with a bill requiring companies to provide 60 days' notice of factory closings or large layoffs.
The law requires companies to give 60 days' advance public notice when shutting down plants or making large layoffs.
The company struggled through 2008, with several large layoffs.