The largest and most successful organized league for no pads, tackle football is TownBeef.
We are to have larger leagues next season and in the long run that can't be for the good of the game in Wales.
The larger league was then split into Northern and Southern Divisions.
To accommodate the larger league, the schedule expanded from 14 games to its current length of 16 games in 1978.
Today, the league represents over 2,300 households and is the second largest civic league in Norfolk.
But it is a reminder that local artists and communities have the access to printing and electronic technologies to play in the larger leagues.
Albany also has a large little league, which draws children from around the area.
In addition to acceptance by large leagues, many specialized Warsow cups have emerged.
The three-region Northern Province however is in the bigger league of population - large enough, as already mentioned, to stand international comparison.
Hajduk's 14-0 victory over Ilirija in 1931 was their largest league win.