To my surprise, he offered up the most beautiful large Prussian blue lobster, so gorgeous one could hardly think to eat it.
At dinner, appetizers $3.95 to $15.95; entrees $17.95 to $42.95, large lobsters higher.
Lunch is usually a sumptuous buffet that features large lobsters caught earlier in the day.
"What's a lobster other than an insect, but slightly larger?"
Where they can be found, large lobsters come with big price tags.
For large lobsters, 4 pounds and up, the price drops again.
Q: What is the largest lobster ever caught?
The trap that is designed to hold large lobster, but they permit small ones to escape.
Imagine that you have a large lobster on a plate in front of you.
As Bob started to follow, his attention was caught by two large lobsters retreating beneath the stern.