Shortly before the Cataclysm created the waste lands next to Lud, its leaders installed large loudspeakers throughout the city.
A number attract student patrons by playing popular music on large loudspeakers.
The same large loudspeaker was used.
Many visitors also bring large loudspeakers for playing music.
There were four large loudspeakers, there was no escaping.
Sonically, none of these table-tops rival a full-fledged component system with larger loudspeakers.
"Squadron order 12345," rang the unmodulated voice from the large loudspeakers of the special receiver.
I expected a call from the Regent and it came at once, only it came over the large loudspeakers of a public address system.
Those who sell audio and video CDs, a lucrative business, will often have large loudspeakers playing samples of their wares at very high volume.
This music was played over large loudspeakers, popularly called "picós", that were invented during the 1960s in Cartegena.