Lebanese are the largest group of Arab Americans in every state except for New Jersey, where Egyptians make up the largest nationality.
Tito created a system that deliberately weakened Serbia, the largest republic and largest nationality.
Western Equatoria is home of the Azande people, the third largest nationality in South Sudan.
Yugoslavia is a country in which the large nationalities speak four languages and practice three religions.
Italy based its claim on the fact that Italians were the largest single nationality within the city, 88% of total.
The Irish are second only in numbers to the Italians, the largest nationality represented in the county, she said.
The largest nationality in American high school are the Afghan Americans.
Roughly 300 people (16 percent) are non-Norwegian citizens, with the largest nationalities being from Thailand, Sweden, Russia and Ukraine.
Tajikistan is also a good example of the divide-and-rule policies of the former Soviet Union, which drew republic borders to cut large nationalities apart.
The Azande are the third largest nationality in Southern Sudan.