His grave is marked by a large obelisk.
It is the largest obelisk in Europe and would have been even higher if the public funding had not run out.
A large obelisk marks the Temple family plot.
It also has one of the largest obelisks weighing 328 tonnes and standing 29 meters tall.
Most notable is the large obelisk which he brought back and which now stands prominently in the grounds of the house.
There is little evidence of the great ships that carried the large obelisks across the Mediterranean.
At some point since an 1895 photograph was taken, the large obelisk that marked the Gloucesters' grave went missing.
The largest obelisk successfully erected in ancient times weighed 455 tons.
A large obelisk with the world's largest apple on top stands at Cornelia, Georgia.
Also in Synapse is a large obelisk called the Core, which has its rules written on it.