There is a large obstruction, known as a 'buttress', or a pepper to fives players, on the left-hand side of the court in line with the step.
This device filters out soot particles before they exit the exhaust, but it creates a large obstruction in the exhaust path.
At the same time, they also showed a lower incidence of large intestinal obstruction.
First they went to the landing strip and removed any of the larger obstructions that might have made a landing dangerous.
After these two key discoveries, he managed to excavate the rest of the city without large obstructions.
Lawrence: Bowersock Dam is the largest obstruction on the river.
Any suspicion of a large intestinal obstruction precludes an enteroclysis until the possibility has been excluded.
Hordes of mites connected to each other with sticky interfaces, clustering into various shapes, setting up large obstructions.
Although beam could be stored, in March 2004 a large obstruction was found across the center of the chamber.
Instead, he merely asked in a conversational tone, "Any evidence of large solid obstructions or protostellar objects within the cloud?"