Small in stature, she could avoid them with greater ease than a large opponent.
Sean's second fight is at the back of a store in the Bronx, against a much larger opponent.
They are fast and can leap very high, so as to bring down larger opponents.
Garrick followed through, giving his larger opponent little time to do anything but defend.
This hit and run technique of the leopard, something especially effective against larger opponents, is unique to the animal.
Her small size is a disadvantage at times because she often has to take three strokes to a large opponent's two.
Playing as a key position player at 184 cm, Hynes often had to play on much larger opponents.
Even opponents larger than him are shown to back down from confrontations.
It is especially effective at disabling and destroying larger opponents.
For much of the night, the Rangers appeared far too impressed again by large opponents and some mighty impacts.