His largest ovation came when he reiterated his campaign pledge to sign the death penalty into law.
When Wilkins and Ewing left the court with five minutes left, they were given a large ovation.
He drew the largest ovation from the sparse group of fans at the Nassau Coliseum on Tuesday.
Four teammates followed, receiving a large ovation from the New York Mets fans.
Eventually, Grace made it onto the elevator, a feat that drew a large ovation.
The largest ovation of the night was left at the end for legendary Canadiens star Maurice "Rocket" Richard - at over 16 minutes in length.
But Cason was given a large ovation by the crowd as he ran around the track showing a small American flag that had been sewn to his jersey.
He was animated as always and drew the largest ovation from the crowd, even when he missed an attempt to make a diving catch.
Andrew Whittemore was certainly a crowd favorite as the lovable lackey Benny Southstreet and drew one of the largest ovations at the end of the evening.
Trottier, apparently forgiven for his stint with the rival Rangers, was given one of the largest ovations of the evening, and was perhaps the most boisterous.