The first one, delicately, put a large paw onto my chest and pressed.
Thorn clapped him on the shoulder with a large, heavy paw.
Take this as a warning: it is like a puppy with large paws.
Colin leaned across and placed a large hairy paw on Peter's upper arm.
The Bear greeted me with what can best be described as a very large paw.
The long legs and large paws suggested a creature at home in winter chill.
He was about to slip it into his vest when a large green paw tried to close over it.
The coat varied in color from all shades of brown, to black at the head and white at the large paws.
Save that the tracks were those of a large padded paw, as wide as his own hand.
Emily put a large paw on my arm and gave me a look that said: "There's nobody there.