The program from the Johnson Foundation, the country's largest philanthropy devoted to health services, is being operated in cooperation with the governors' association.
His love for one of the young patients is touchingly rendered as sensuality indistinguishable from a large poetic philanthropy.
The rivals are the Federal Government and the world's largest medical philanthropy.
Today, it is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world, by involvement and revenue with $12,374,034.46 having been raised at the 2013 event.
Penn State tour guides make certain to introduce prospective students and their families to the largest student-run philanthropy in the world.
The foundation, with assets of $235 million, ranks among the nation's 50 largest philanthropies.
It quickly became clear that the foundation would become the largest philanthropy in the world.
Much of the money went into the Bullitt Foundation, now one of the nation's largest environmental philanthropies.
The charity is considered the largest student-run philanthropy in the country and has become a model for similar marathons at more than 20 colleges.
The Starr Foundation, one of the nation's largest philanthropies, concentrates on grants to education, medicine, culture and services for the poor.