There are also some larger artificial plantings to the north.
As a result, the region is home to the oldest and largest plantings of Marsanne grape variety in the world.
My wife is concerned that the divisions might be too small to be viable, whereas I would like to get as large a planting as possible.
Use landscape fabric instead of plastic to reduce weeds in large plantings.
Italy, too, has large plantings of the grape, mostly in the northeast.
In large plantings, tulips are best allowed to have a merry life, but a very short one.
Several growers have large plantings and the Meyer seems to be crossing the line from cult favorite to commercial success.
In addition, more people find it esthetically pleasing to light up their gardens, yards and large plantings at night.
Farmers couldn't get credit for large plantings and they didn't want them.
Several of the largest plantings, including Paramount's, are on the valley's west side, where cool night air draining from the hills helps the fruit color faster.