A large projection of Crimson appears before Criss, knocking him to the ground.
The depth error, in km, defined as the largest projection of the three principal errors on a vertical line.
Two other large projections in other galleries shift the setting from city to country.
A small porch projects from the south corner of the west (front) facade; there is a larger, gabled projection on the east.
She pointed toward some large projections from the side of the superstructure.
A large, tree-trunk-like projection emerged from the object, made a right angle turn, and met up with the floor.
Most of them were near the quarry's rim; perhaps that was why no one had noted a large projection just above the water's surface.
A large curved projection protected the nape of the neck.
The overall shape of the skull is long and narrow with large projections along its upper surface.
There is no conductor; performers are instead guided by large projections of a digital clock according to strict time intervals.