Many large railroads have been trying to consolidate by selling off small segments of their lines to smaller companies.
Many large railroads have been consolidating by spinning off small segments of their lines to smaller companies.
Burlington Northern, the nation's largest railroad, has been facing increased competition since deregulation.
Through those mergers, the number of large railroads has been reduced to just 6 from around 30.
JR East is the largest railroad in a nation of railroads.
Construction costs in 1873 for one of the largest transcontinental railroads, the northern pacific, closed down access to new capital.
By the time the larger railroads finally realized what was happening, their new competitor could not be successfully blocked.
The Allston community developed largely around large railroad and livestock operations.
The $5.4 billion merger, which created the nation's largest railroad, was finally completed earlier this month.
The merged system would become the largest railroad in the nation.