It is the largest rattlesnake, and the heaviest venomous snake in the Americas.
Young saw a large rattlesnake near the river, causing Kimball to remark it was the largest he'd ever seen in his life.
Near one of the trees he saw a large rattlesnake lying in the sunshine.
Sistrurus species differ from the larger rattlesnakes of the genus Crotalus in a number of ways.
One is a vaguely lung-shaped fetish, while another, made of false fingernails, looks like the warning device from a very large rattlesnake.
In this thick brushwood and around here, there are many large rattlesnakes, making it necessary to use caution," he explained.
This is a medium to large rattlesnake.
Several large rattlesnakes were on the table, crawling restlessly among the dishes, shaking their tails.
Luke Johnson shot a large rattlesnake and brought it into camp for the oil.
During the afternoon, a large rattlesnake crawled in beside him to get out of the heat of the day.