It is a large remnant of a climax dry coastal dune forest and the last of its kind.
There are also some very large remnants of Porites porites colonies that lie between the two islands.
It still includes large untouched remnants of evergreen forest.
But she took to wearing a few of the larger remnants.
The largest remaining remnant of a building is believed to be the kitchen dependency, which collapsed in 1972.
The largest presumed remnant of this parent asteroid is 298 Baptistina.
The southwestern interior contains the only large remnants of the original forests of the wet zone.
Work then moved to the rear, where the seat armour plate, battery, radio equipment and large remnants of the port wing were found.
It is the largest such continuous remnant in the state.
Surely, the default personality, the largest remnant of the original mind, would not dismiss a release code as unimportant!