This fern is a perennial plant with a large light brown rhizome.
It grows high yields of very large rhizomes, sometimes the size of a man's arm, exceedingly rich in starch.
Like other species in the family Osmundaceae, it grows a very large rhizome, with persistent stipe bases from previous years.
They feature a large, erect, woody rhizome with a wide base supported by thick roots.
This is an emergent perennial herb growing from a large rhizome and producing many large leaves.
It has a relatively large rhizome from which many fine rootlets covered in dark reddish-brown scales grow.
The grass grows from a large rhizome that anchors it into shifting and unstable sands.
When burned or damaged it resprouts vigorously from its large rhizome.
This perennial plant grows from a large rhizome and forms clumps of stems up to 1.5 meters tall.
It is a tropical plant, common in Africa, grown for its large, rough-looking edible starchy rhizomes.