C: This is a 20-foot catboat with one large sail set far forward on the hull.
Many, such as Dimetrodon, had large sails that may have helped raise their body temperature.
They require more energy in the form of large sails or high power motors plus light weight to achieve these speeds.
A critical technology for the mission is a large 1 g/m solar sail.
The wind caught the large sails and the Corsair surged forward.
From the drawings, it appears the mast is higher as well, allowing a larger sail.
Above that last masthead, the one with the large sail.
With appropriately large sails, they could have also made use of the solar wind to add to their velocity.
The largest sail can move to let the sun through or to cover the intersection if it rains.
There is a fighting top atop the main mast, just above the large square sail.