Here is a sampling from old and new, large and small.
Next to the display on "Bear" is a large sampling of Paddington Bear, who first appeared in 1958.
I don't know, but wherever they are I would like to see a larger sampling of Kadish's war drawings.
Some of this material cannot be analyzed without a larger sampling, but it is biochemically inert and harmless.
This region (referred to as a volume) must be sufficient in size to contain a large sampling of gas particles.
It is one of the oldest, largest and most selective of the food show-type samplings held on the Island.
This best-foot-forward season preview rambles through a large sampling of the gallery's interests.
Here is a sampling of heli-ski operations, large and small.
In most larger samplings of data, some data points will be further away from the sample mean than what is deemed reasonable.
Money was also popular in a large sampling compiled by Modern Bride magazine in November and December 1995.