Her waist isn't much bigger than a large serpent's.
It was more like a very large serpent with legs.
Mela looked, and saw that beyond the dragon was a large serpent with the head of a man.
One of hers, the largest serpent, stood swollen from her back as if inflamed.
But once she was free of the clothing, she changed into a large serpent In fact it was huge.
The Zulu tribes of the area believe it to be a large serpent with a horse like head.
He was in his natural form, that of a large serpent with a human head.
Ford said he admired Cohn like "a large, brilliant serpent."
There were several large serpents, though none as big as the one he had slain.
The demoness was right: Two cats, a large serpent, and a regular man fit right in.