A fourth man wore a white laboratory coat and carried a large sheaf of papers.
Turning back to his own desk, he shuffled together a large sheaf of correspondence, which he deposited in front of me.
Then a stranger in a cafe gives Ferrand a large sheaf of documents to copy.
"A large sheaf, but I know there's room in your heart for it, Marmee dear," added Meg's tender voice.
Then he hauled out the larger sheaf of papers, the new syllabus.
What matter if said sentience consists of "nothing more than" a large sheaf of complex algorithtms.
He was handing her signals from a large sheaf and giving her, routing instructions.
Instead Holo escapes to a larger sheaf of wheat in Lawrence's wagon.
They handed it to me in a large sheaf, and said that since I had caused it, I had better do something about it.
Andy reached into his old-fashioned cowhide briefcase, and pulled out large sheaves for each of us.