By 1862 Milwaukee was the largest shipper of wheat on the planet, and related industry developed.
Standard Oil grew to become one of the largest shippers of oil and kerosene in the country.
They are the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent.
As the world's largest shipper, FedEx was a key opportunity, and major market players presented their existing product offerings over some time.
Most large French shippers were able to supply wines unaffected by procymidone.
The company was formed in 1972 and quickly became one of the largest shippers of specialty cargoes, including gas.
Most of them supply the large shippers in and around Beaune, but many prefer to bottle and sell their wine themselves.
But competitors have upgraded their service, and last year they began deep discounts to large shippers, which stole customers away from Federal.
His parent company, the Evergreen Group, is one of the world's largest shippers.
The chief need of large shippers and carriers is 'to process information for the flow of goods.