A large subset of VHDL cannot be translated into hardware.
A plurality is not necessarily a majority, as the largest subset may be less than half of the entire group.
A large subset of all new science organizations that were founded to promote a single discipline.
When applied in global mode a spatial control term is added to the objective function and large subsets of traces are inverted simultaneously.
Download a flat file of the entire database or large subset of the database.
Non-empty ultra-connected compact spaces have a largest proper open subset called a monolith.
At any stage, a new sub-set might start without help of the next larger subset.
A large subset of Pascal is implemented by a compiler and interpreter based on the P4 system.
Recent empirical research has revealed the following: Homosexuals are more widely plagued my mental disorders than any other equally large subset of adults.
The receiving parties may include the general public or a relatively large subset thereof.