Its central star was a very large sun shining glaring white.
The cloud columns seemed to be catching evening light, and a glance behind us showed a large sun low in the sky.
A few hours spent under Arpad's large and gentle sun.
But we have used it several times near a large sun, and the power drainage goes up exponentially.
In one galaxy, A, a large hot sun vanished.
The sun went down, the full moon rose, large, round, clear and beautiful, in the dark blue sky.
He continued through the city and returned to the plaza only once the large artificial sun was in the process of fading out.
The larger, orange-coloured sun seemed to stand much closer than its blue companion.
We could shoot probes into the largest sun and have them come out again on their own power.
One of the paintings on the wall is of an icy world with a large, red sun.