These animals should be housed singly or in pairs and need a large, well-planted terrarium.
If you have a large terrarium and a well-lighted space, you can install tropical plants such as various forms of anthurium, orchids and tropical ferns.
They require at least a 50 gallon or larger terrarium and must have appropriate bedding and supplies.
These animals should be housed in pairs and need a large terrarium which should provide many places to hide.
Vine snakes must be kept in large terrariums with a height of at least 2 m (59 in) and a surface of 6-16 square meters (65-172 square feet).
The facility also features a theater and a large terrarium with reptiles and amphibians.
Replies: How about a large, CLOSED terrarium.
D. auratus may be small, but is very active and needs a suitably large terrarium (usually 100 x 60 x 60 centimetres) with a high level of humidity.
These animals should be housed in pairs and need a large, well planted terrarium.
Regen's largest project was a so-called "geobiological laboratory", a large terrarium in which he studied phonotaxis on a large scale.