Writer picks up one of the larger tortoises which is about a foot long, half a foot wide, and half a foot tall.
Alternatively, larger tortoises may be better-suited to high elevations because they can resist the cooler temperatures that occur when there is cloud cover or fog.
But it moved almost as fast as a large tortoise.
Next, the larger tortoise will make jerky side to side head movements for two to four seconds.
Daisy, a large red-footed tortoise, crawled under a director's chair and pushed it several feet across the asphalt.
She confesses that she wishes she knew of some way to make her little Alfie grown into a larger, more dignified tortoise.
As the woman lifts one of the larger tortoises from the pen, another woman steps inside the shanty.
- Going down to the seaside, I found a large tortoise, or turtle.
It is a large and attractively marked tortoise.
Swimming ponderously in the pen was a large and extremely cross-looking tortoise.