The contents of one capsule, including mail, magazine and exhibition announcements, line the bottom of a large vitrine.
A sampling of the unprepossessing results are displayed in a large vitrine at the Modern, accompanied by the photographs and anguishing tapes of the doomed dogs.
The uncarpeted early-SoHo floors and uncluttered booths (some so small they resemble large vitrines) are a factor.
Its heart consists of more than a dozen large vitrines filled with Fluxus publications and artworks, and often beautiful variations on familiar objects of play (Takako Saito's chess sets, for example).
Sir Christopher then ushered the group into a room where he paused before a large vitrine.
The best and largest vitrine is devoted to pre-Columbian gold, one of the strengths of the museum's holdings.
The coffee table is glass and blond wood, and a large blond vitrine holds a collection of champagne glasses with curved stems, gold-rimmed plates and other elegant tableware.
From 1920 to 1925, the two laid out the argument for modernist architecture in their seminal magazine, L'Esprit Nouveau, several elegant issues of which can be seen in a large vitrine.
In addition to plastering the walls with the results of this effort, he has arranged tourist masks and other objects, some of which he made, in large ethnographic vitrines.
This theme of temperamental presto-chango is finely supported by the contents of a large vitrine situated midway through the galleries.