In the base of the waterfall there is a minute pond, though with a large whirlpool.
In some variations of the tale, Charybdis is just a large whirlpool rather than a sea monster.
Then the other sprites joined in, fashioning a larger whirlpool.
Essentially, the maelstrom is a large, very powerful whirlpool, a large swirling body of water being drawn down and inward toward its center.
The third largest whirlpool on earth is in there.
In some variations of the story, Charybdis is simply a large whirlpool instead of a sea monster.
During operation this can lead to a large whirlpool being observed.
There is a large whirlpool and a petting zoo with a turkey named Louie, but no pool.
Later that day, they were told that a large whirlpool had formed and the canal was quickly losing water.
The island is famous for playing host to Old Sow, the largest tidal whirlpool in the western hemisphere.