This meant that potatoes were barred from large-scale cultivation because the rules allowed only grain to be planted in the open fields.
There is no large-scale cultivation of crops as the area is generally mountainous.
Making large-scale cultivation in America a reality took four years.
The sometimes dwarf like habit makes P. Ahipa well suited for large-scale commercial cultivation.
Should this plan come to reality, much of the area could be opened to large-scale cultivation.
The fruit has only recently come into large-scale cultivation and sale to the world market with Japan being the major buyer.
However, penalties for growing cannabis have become harsher since the advent of widespread large-scale cultivation.
Starting approximately in 1870, the village began large-scale cultivation of oysters, partly in response to high French demand.
There is a huge potential for large-scale cultivation of different species of fruits and vegetables in the village.
The plant is not in large-scale commercial cultivation.