Taxi Commission officials say fears of large-scale deportations are probably overblown, but the loss of immigrant drivers could handicap an industry that has grown dependent on cheap immigrant labor.
The country already suffers a significant shortage of housing, schools, hospitals and jobs, all of which would be worsened by large-scale deportations from the United States.
They argue that large-scale deportations are unlikely and that the law will take effect gradually over the next two years.
Administration officials say that there will not be large-scale deportations of Salvadorans if their temporary status is revoked.
These early Christian communities were reinforced in the fourth and fifth centuries by large-scale deportations of Christians from the eastern Roman Empire.
Some civil-rights lawyers argued that the decision on the emergency order, while technical, amounted to a court warning against large-scale deportations in the future.
It is not until 1944, with the Axis in retreat, that the Germans and their Hungarian collaborators begin large-scale deportations of the country's Jews.
SS Colonel Adolf Eichmann went to Hungary to oversee the large-scale deportations.
This second wave of the large-scale deportations was aimed to facilitate collectivization, which was implemented with great difficulties in the Baltic republics.
In the Third Reich the first large-scale deportations from the metropolitan area of Koblenz were carried out through the freight yard.