Her 1961 show at Landry Gallery included complementary paintings and corrugated board collages, but also several large-scale "environments."
We envisage being able to create large-scale immersive environments to create distant horizons, urban architecture or multiple images.
Basically, they are providing those large-scale virtual environments.
But they really are large-scale collaborative virtual environments where people can express themselves.
In computing, enterprise storage is the computer data storage designed for large-scale, high-technology environments of the modern enterprises.
The Ego engine was developed to render more detailed damage and physics as well as render large-scale environments.
The temperature decrease with height and cloud depth are directly affected by both the water temperature and the large-scale environment.
It requires early experimentation and testing in large-scale environments, even though some of these ideas might only be implemented in the long-term.
But the highlights of this retrospective are the large-scale walk-in environments that Mr. Meireles created in the 1980's.
His work focuses on determining, observationally, the relationships between galaxy-scale phenomena and the surrounding large-scale environment and matter distribution.