A large-scale exodus from the Reserve and National Guard, the other major reservist component, would greatly complicate military operations in the gulf region and beyond.
There were large-scale religious violence and riots in different parts of Valluvanad, followed by large-scale exodus of people from the affected areas.
But the most significant impact of the drought was an large-scale exodus of Habbani Jews across Yemen and far beyond.
The coup created a large-scale exodus of refugees to the United States.
The United Nations would like to stave off a large-scale exodus by making it safe for Serbs who live in the Krajina to remain there.
But it was not until the most vicious fighting began five months ago that the large-scale exodus began.
Only after 1958 did a large-scale exodus of Jews from Lebanon begin, as a result of the political unrest in the country.
"We are very concerned about a large-scale exodus," he said.
The result was a large-scale exodus of the white and black cotton farmers from the south.
A large-scale exodus begins, continuing over weekend.