The works themselves exhibit a host of technical faults as well as discrepancies in thematic construction and large-scale form.
The large-scale form is easy to grasp, and the texture is full and complex, moving from one to six voices and back with wonderful contrast.
Distinguished by his innovations in orchestration and large-scale form, Bates is best known for his expansion of the orchestra to include electronics.
When pressed, some call it "avant-gutbucket" - but that still slights its melodic grace and large-scale forms.
A shy man, he never aggressively propagated his music or sought ambitiously to write in the grand, large-scale forms that invite worldly success.
But Ellington's lifelong discomfort with organically developed large-scale musical forms is no less to blame for the inconsistent impression they make.
He simply used some of the thematic material to compose an entirely new work in similar large-scale form - the Sonata in B minor.
The score integrates small-scale dramatic details within a large-scale musical form to a degree rarely equaled during the rest of the silent period.
However, they are assembled into a remarkably coherent large-scale form which is also relevant to the Mysteries of the Rosary.
I'm not denying that the embryo, and later the adult, has a large-scale form.