Further, given the cost of large-scale social research, it is tempting to tap these rich resources of data, often for purposes other than those originally intended.
Pilot experiments are frequently carried out before large-scale quantitative research, in an attempt to avoid time and money being wasted on an inadequately designed project.
It has also undertaken several large-scale genealogical research and restoration projects.
It creates resources for researchers, particularly large-scale research in human genetics.
A large-scale archaeological research of the area was carried out in 1938 and 1939.
Then, too, large-scale research can divert faculty and resources from core educational programs.
The vaccine was found to be safe, well tolerated, and suitable for large-scale further research.
So far, no large-scale research involving the incidence of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease in adults with cystic fibrosis has been conducted.
As long as we lack information based on large-scale research, the debate on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of sanctions will remain a fruitless task.
We must provide for adequate financing for large-scale research and development projects.