The story of Satan follows the epic convention of large-scale warfare.
"Most senators will quickly point out that only Accord has ever employed large-scale ecological warfare."
This attitude was not always well received by the Allied leaders who distrusted the potential of an army lacking experience in large-scale warfare.
Nearly half of the bodies are female, and this fact also causes some to question the argument for large-scale warfare.
So neither side could really carry large-scale warfare into the home of the other.
"It makes large-scale warfare personal," says creative director David Votypka.
Center had a lot of records of sudden mobilizations for large-scale warfare.
Satan's rebellion follows the epic convention of large-scale warfare.
The bomb that could destroy the world also had the power to end large-scale warfare.
Yet there is little evidence of large-scale warfare or even substantial sustained long-distance trade on the part of the Olmecs.