Only European auto makers, benefiting from already high sales, have remained largely aloof from the fray, although Volvo has offered a few discounts.
The state opposition leader at the 2006 election, Rob Kerin, was seen as being largely aloof from factional disputes.
Most of the rest of the world, doubting that this strategy can bring security, legitimacy or real sovereignty, seems equally determined to remain largely aloof.
Razumov is a studious and career-motivated young man who keeps himself largely aloof from his peers.
So the avant-garde remained largely aloof from the critical decadelong conflict between socialists and right-wingers for political power.
The birds are still around, but remain largely aloof in the bushes.
Mr. Dinkins remained largely aloof from his onstage opponents.
During these years Lang was largely aloof from religion, but continued churchgoing out of what he termed "hereditary respect".
In the process, the Lords displayed a doughty independence born of lifetime tenures that leave them largely aloof from electoral politics.
Though mega-millionaires, they remained largely aloof to German society outside Stuttgart.